Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Hello Again!

It's ME! Andrea, and it's been far too long since I have blogged and designed.

I really needed the past year off to refocus on the "balancing act" of work at-home and family.  I have taken much needed time figure out where I really want to take my business (Fleur L'enfant).  I thought about closing up shop after 11 years but realized I can't do it! My love for designing and creating needs to be filled.  SO, here I am, again, blogging and designing, although on a more limited basis.  From time to time, I will open my shop when I've got some new goodies to share.  Most items will be readymade ~ that seems to be the only way to find a balance.
Part of my new approach is taking a little time each day for ME! Trying new things, keeping active and making more time for my friends.  Family is always number 1! Started tennis lessons with a good friend last Fall (having never, ever played) and fell in LOVE with it, plus I love spending time with her and meeting some fabulous new friends too. A little tennis elbow won't keep me from it now :)

The family is growing like a weed!  I just love them to pieces and am enjoying each and every day with them.  Our new "thing", when they don't have games or practices, is to spend an hour a few times a week rollerblading, running or scootering......while I walk the dog and "maybe" scooter :) It's great family time and part of our getting healthy together routine!

We spend lots of time decorating (me) and remodeling (hubby) our antique farmhouse (circa 1779).  Totally unliveable when we bought it years ago........but now our forever home!  My husband is finishing a family room in our barn and is saving a special space in it for my studio.  He is not a carpenter by trade, he is in the medical field but happens to be extremely handy and a perfectionist.  Finally, my dining room won't look like a sewing boutique!  Covered with fabric, notions and my machines.  I just can't wait!  Will share before and after pictures soon!  Spotted this amazing sewing studio at IKEA! I am totally inspired!
We currently have 12 hens and 5 call ducks residing in a special nook off of the barn! They all have names such as Daisy, Snowball and Tunisha.  The kids LOVE them and we love the fresh eggs.  We have nearly 2 dozen wiggly duck eggs due to hatch any day now.  You know I will share pictures with you all. Here is Emma modeling a new outfit with "Daisy".
Well, I guess that's it for now.......hopefully it won't be another year before I blog again.  Would love to share some decorating I've been doing.
How have you all been?  Would love to hear from you.  Any great DIY projects you'd like to share, let me know!!!

Oh, and don't forget to check out what I've been working is open today!!!

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